FairVotes Stories
FairVotes is an autonomous and fully transparent e-voting system
E-voting in alliances
If you are a member of an alliance in the Republic of Croatia, you have likely encountered numerous questions regarding the voting procedure, which has been time-consuming and demanded a significant portion of your time.
If you are a member of an alliance in the Republic of Croatia, you have likely encountered numerous questions regarding the voting procedure, which has been time-consuming and demanded a significant portion of your time.
An alliance represents a coalition of interconnected organizations that join together to achieve important business objectives. Every alliance, regardless of the number of organizations within it, must organize assemblies where the executive board is elected, consisting of the president of the alliance, the vice president of the alliance, and three other members elected by the assembly for a term determined by the alliance's statute.
If you are a member of an alliance in the Republic of Croatia, you have likely encountered numerous questions regarding the voting procedure, which has been time-consuming and demanded a significant portion of your time. The traditional method of voting requires your presence at the alliance's assembly during the voting process, as otherwise, you will not be able to cast your vote.
Fairvotes, the first Croatian online voting system, allows you to no longer be required to be present at alliance assemblies during voting but enables you to vote from your mobile device anywhere and anytime. Until now, votes in alliances were largely public, as members raised their hands to vote in favor or against.
The electronic voting system introduces you to a completely new dimension of e-voting and guarantees complete anonymity in voting, where none of the members will know whom you voted for. The complete security of e-voting is ensured through double identification. When a voter wants to access the voting process, they open an email containing a link that invites them to e-voting. At the same time, an SMS message containing a PIN arrives on your mobile device, confirming your identity.
By using the e-voting system, you simultaneously save your resources and contribute to the preservation of our ecosystem by eliminating paper ballots. Just imagine how much effort, time, and money are needed to print a large number of ballots. With Fairvotes, there is no unnecessary printing of ballots. It doesn't matter how many members your alliance has because you can choose packages based on the number of members and the options you want to have when using the application. Fairvotes adapts to you and your needs, making it completely personalized.