Organizing elections through the FairVotes system
FairVotes is a simple, secure and transparent system for conducting e-elections.
FairVotes is a system for organizing e-elections live or online using a computer, tablet or mobile phone with internet access.
FairVotes simplifies elections through:
- confirmation of the identity of each voter
- a digital ballot with one or more questions
- completely anonymous or public elections
- unlimited number of voters
- real-time turnout monitoring
- unlimited duration of the election process
FairVotes experts provide support in the preparation, leadership, organization, post analytics and
results of the entire election process depending on the needs of the organizers.
With the advice and support of the FairVotes team, we guarantee safe, transparent, efficient and
quality elections.
The main advantages of the FairVotes system in the process of organizing e-elections:

E-elections participants access the system via an e-mail invitation using a computer, a tablet or a mobile phone with internet access. FairVotes requires no additional installation and enables participation in 3 simple clicks.
An absolutely transparent digital trail of each election participant within the user interface. Through an exclusive invitation sent to participants’ e-mail addresses, at any moment it is possible to see who is participating in the meeting (who is present) and the digital trail of each vote.

Upon the conclusion of the elections, FairVotes produces detailed reports with information on participant attendance, statuses, and voting results that can be printed in a variety of formats, thus simplifying the task of producing the election minutes. The results can be shared with all participants during or after the elections.
FairVotes make elections with the various options available within the ballot. Statistical question, text question, abstention, adding options of minimum and maximum choice of answers to random classification allows a flexible voting system in elections.

FairVotes offers the option of automatic or manual startup depending on your election needs. Automatic start is used in cases where the exact date and time of start and end is known, while manual start is used when this information is not known, which allows the organizer the freedom to start the choice at an ideal time.
Authorisation (simple or 2-factor)
Results available immediately
Detailed voting statistics
A digital trail of each participant
Croatian language system
Automated or manual start-up
Statistical or textual questions
Unlimited number of questions
Multiple answers per question
Easy-to-use system (1 click)