FairVotes stories
FairVotes is an autonomous and fully transparent e-voting system
FairVotes E-Voting System vs. Traditional Survey
FairVotes E-Voting System vs. Traditional Survey
With the new FairVotes e-voting system, the traditional survey is a thing of the past. Digitize your work and simplify it to free up more time for other tasks. Become more proactive and modern while saving financially. Streamline your work to the maximum.
Read moreHow Much Do Parliamentary Elections Cost, and How Much Would They Cost with E-Voting?
How Much Do Parliamentary Elections Cost, and How Much Would They Cost with E-Voting?
While we cannot claim or predict the exact cost of electronic elections, in this example, we can demonstrate how election costs would be lower when conducted through e-voting. One significant advantage would be the ability for older individuals, those with limited mobility, or voters in remote areas to participate, which might likely increase voter turnout.
Read moreElectronic Voting - How Can It Help You?
Although everyone associates the words "voting" and "elections" with political choices, we often forget that every association, institution, society, and many others have questions that also require answers. The FairVotes system is fully adaptable to your needs and preferences. Whether you are choosing a new president or a representative for residents, FairVotes voting software can be used for any topic you envision or wish to explore.
Read moreFairVotes Voting App vs. Traditional App
FairVotes Voting App vs. Traditional App In today's world, each of us owns a smart device, whether it's a smartphone, laptop, tablet, or another piece of technology. It's hard to imagine life without one of them. With the advent and development of these devices, we've also started using applications. By definition, an application is a computer program designed to assist users in performing one or more specific tasks. These tasks can range from business applications to office apps, graphics software, and many others.
Read moreE-Voting, Secure or Not?
E-Voting, Secure or Not? More and more organizers and voters are recognizing the advantages of e-voting, but the most frequently mentioned concern is security. Most of them do not understand how the application works and how they can be sure that the elections will be confidential, secure, and transparent. Security of internet systems is a daily concern. Digitalization is all around us. Although people find it hard to part with standardized methods, education and familiarity with the application are necessary for them to understand that these methods are much safer than traditional voting, as they prevent tampering at all levels.
Read moreElectronic Voting - 8 Arguments for Its Implementation
Electronic Voting - 8 Arguments for Its Implementation Is internet-based electronic voting a significant step forward or backward? Opinions on the use of electronic voting are divided. Today, most of us still cast our votes through ballot boxes. Wouldn't it be more convenient if we could do it with a click of a mouse?
Read moreAn election system in real-life examples
In comparison to traditional paper-based procedures, an election system offers multiple advantages in various stages of the election process, from voter registration to ballot counting, while adhering to all standards and principles.
Read moreElectronic Voting with Examples from Around the World
Electronic Voting with Examples from Around the World Is the use of the internet and electronic voting increasing in elections? There are still many concerns about reliability, security, and privacy. Will we ever vote for our government through a smartphone?
Read moreOnline Voting - A Solution in the COVID-19
Online Voting - A Solution in the COVID-19 Crisis After a long time, the world came to a halt. Countries were closing their borders one after another, implementing measures, and a complete lockdown followed. More and more people were staying in their homes, working remotely. We realized that it was time for changes.
Read moreOnline Voting
A Solution for Youth When it comes to elections, statistics show that almost 50% of voters in a country are enthusiastic about voting for the winner of a reality show, while only about 40% decide to vote in elections. This lack of participation and interesting phenomenon is certainly not due to a lack of interest. According to one survey among the younger population, results have shown that 70% of young people are very interested in issues such as taxes, the environment, and healthcare.
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